Winterbach - Hochbärneck

Hiking route from Trainstation Winterbach

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Tour dates
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Route: 8,37 km
  • Ascent: 391 egm
  • Descent: 197 egm
  • Duration: 2:45 h
  • Lowest point: 720 m
  • Highest point:1.109 m
  • Nice views
  • With refreshment stops
  • Accessibility by train and bus
  • Suitable for families and children
  • Botanical highlights

Details for: Winterbach - Hochbärneck

Starting point of the tour

Trainstation Winterbach

Route description Winterbach - Hochbärneck

From the train station at Winterbach, the route leads on the asphalt road past the Hotel Winterbach along the trail no. 9 (b). On an easy ascent one crosses the B 28 and goes along the access road to the Mitter- und Untereierzeile. Here a refreshment stop is possible. The route continues further past the Löffelgrabenkreuz (cross) (Tabernacle Bildstock) (Middle of the 16 century) on the old pilgrimage route towards Mariazell. The route continues moderately rising on a forest and meadow trail to the "Obereierzeile" and to the gravel road, which leads to the Foresters House „Kreuztanne“. Turn right here onto the road No. 8, which leads through natural and unique hunting grounds at 1100 m above sea level. On a gently sloping forest road passing at the hunting lodge "Klauswald (forest)", one reaches a clearing. Continue to the Alm (cabin) Hochbärneck, on a sloping footpath on colourful pastures and meadows, past grazing animals and rare plants.


A1 Exit Ybbs/Donau - Direction Eisenstraße - Follow the B25 - After Scheibbs turn left onto the B28 direction Puchenstuben - At Wohlfahrtsschlag turn left to Winterbach - Trainstation Winterbach


Parking lot at the trainstation Winterbach

Mit der Mariazellerbahn von St.Pölten oder Mariazell aus kommend bis nach Winterbach.

More info/links

Gemeinde St. Anton an der Jeßnitz
3283 St. Anton an der Jeßnitz 5
Tel. +43 (0) 7482/482 40
Fax +43 (0) 7482/482 40 9

Map recommendations

Mostviertel Tourismus, Töpperschloss Neubruck, Neubruck 2/10, 3283 Scheibbs, T +43/7482/204 44,,

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