Hotel Kartause Gaming


This business is excellent…

  • Bett+Bike (Bed + Bike)
  • Star rating system: 4 stars
  • Radpartner Niederösterreich

Your stay

The Gaming charterhouse was consecrated in 1342 and secularized in 1782. It was not only the biggest charterhouse in Central Europe but also one of the most richly endowed monasteries in Austria. Today, the charterhouse accommodates a four-star hotel and event centre, a restaurant and various university institutions.

The most important sights of the charterhouse are its church, the baroque library and the prelates' hall. In winter, the charterhouse is hosting a special event: the Blazing Charterhouse Christmas featuring an atmospheric Christmas market in the prelates' court.

The Gaming charterhouse also has its own brewery where the "Kartausenbräu" (charterhouse brew) is brewed. The brewing system by Dreher with a capacity of 250 litres has been in use since 2008 and consists of a demonstration brew kettle and four brew kettles.

The Kartausenbräu is brewed according to the purity law and does not contain any chemical additives; thus, a truly natural beer. Visit the private brewery in the Gaming charterhouse and finish your tour with a tasting of the home-brewed beer varieties of the "Kartausenbräu".


This is what other guests say about this host: Gaming Charterhouse (Kartause Gaming)

Excellent romantic hotel. Close to parking areas. Awesome vibe.

Good to know

  • Nice building

    • „Facilities impeccable“
    • „Beautiful building“
  • Friendly service

  • Good restaurant service

  • Could be quieter

    • „Loud road noise“
  • Friendly service

  • Delicious food

    • „Excellent dinner“
    • „Great food“
  • Fantastic service

    • „Nice welcome“
    • „Wonderful service“
    • „Good service“
  • Tasty breakfast

    • „Lovely breakfast“
    • „Good breakfast“
  • Fantastic service

    • „Nice welcome“
    • „Wonderful service“
    • „Good service“

Highlights from the 410 ratings

  • Vibe

    5.0 / 5
    32 ratings
    • „Quiet atmosphere“
  • Bar

    5.0 / 5
    14 ratings
  • Service

    4.8 / 5
    97 ratings
    • „Nice welcome“
    • „Wonderful service“
    • „Good service“
  • Location

    4.8 / 5
    41 ratings
    • „Beautiful surroundings“
  • Cleanliness

    4.5 / 5
    17 ratings
  • Food

    4.5 / 5
    103 ratings
    • „Excellent dinner“
    • „Great food“
  • Breakfast

    4.5 / 5
    42 ratings
    • „Lovely breakfast“
    • „Good breakfast“
  • Room

    3.5 / 5
    63 ratings
    • „Comfortable chair“
    • „No air conditioning“
    • „Beautiful room“
  • Comfort

    2.4 / 5
    40 ratings
    • „Loud road noise“
    • „No air conditioning“
  • Service

    4.8 / 5
    6 ratings
    • „Nice welcome“
    • „Wonderful service“
    • „Good service“
  • Food

    4.5 / 5
    8 ratings
    • „Excellent dinner“
    • „Great food“
  • Breakfast

    4.6 / 5
    5 ratings
    • „Lovely breakfast“
    • „Good breakfast“
  • Service

    4.8 / 5
    5 ratings
    • „Nice welcome“
    • „Wonderful service“
    • „Good service“

Features of accommodations

  • Detailed features of accommodations
    Luxurious atmosphere, Restaurant in the establishment, Shop/kiosk, Terrace/guest garden, TV in the room, Changing mat, Winter garden, Wifi, Lounge area, Baby bed, Baby highchair, Baby-care room, Bar, Café/bistro, Breakfast room, Suitable for wheelchairs, Comfortable atmosphere, Historical atmosphere, Hotel safe, Internet usage options, Elevator
  • Service
    Wake-up service, Handicapped parking, Bus parking, Buses welcome, Breakfast buffet, Pets allowed, Pick-up frm the nearest train station, Parking, Shoe cleaning machine, Daily newspaper, Vegetarian cuisine
  • Sports/recreation
    Kid's outdoor playground
  • Host meeting
    Projector, Flip chart, Internet connection in conference room, Conference room, Screen
  • Capacities
    Beds: 57, Rooms: 26, Single rooms: 1, Double rooms: 22, Shared rooms: 3, Apartments: 3, Maximum groupsize: 67, Conventionrooms from(size in m²): 30, Conventionrooms to(size in m²): 170
  • Location
    rural location, at the outskirts of the village, calm environment, Can be reached with public transportation
  • Distance
    to the next train station: 15 km, to the next stop: 0 km, to the city center: 0.5 km, to the next cross-country ski run: 15 km, to the airport: 150 km, to the lake: 15 km, to the next ski lift: 15 km

Location and how to get there

Inquire about Gaming Charterhouse (Kartause Gaming)

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